This booklet was originally published in 5721 By Jewish Post Publications, London, England
We have reproduced the booklet here (with permission). Visitors are encouraged to read this short booklet straight through but you can also access each section of the book separately:
- Introduction
- What is the State of Israel?
- What is Zionism?
- What is 'the Jewish People'?
- The Holy Land and the "Holy Tongue"
- Let Us be as the Nations
- "Religion"and its place in the Zionist Concept
- Exile and Redemption
- "Ivrith" and "L'shon Hakodesh"
- Why Zionism Succeeded
- Torah True Jewry
- The Balfour Declaration
- And the Wonder Come to Pass...
- The Great Disaster and the Post-War Era
- The State Becomes Reality
- The Reality of the State
- Differences of Approach
- Religious Zionism
- The Solution?
Biography of the author
Uriel Zimmer first began writing in the orthodox Jewish Press in 1939 and has since contributed many hundreds of thought-provoking articles throughout the orthodox Press. He has been the editor of the oldest existing Jerusalem Hebrew daily "Hakol" for many years and has frequently written for the columns of the "Jewish Post", London, "Der Yid", New York, and "Emounatenu" of Paris.
He is a linguist of renown and has translated some of the writings of Hirsch from German into Hebrew, the essays of Nathan Birnbaum, the poems of de Haan from Dutch into Hebrew, the essays of Jacob Rosenheim from German into English, and the Tanya from Hebrew into Yiddish.
He has travelled widely on the European Continent, including Turkey, and also in Latin-America. In 1946 he visited many of the D.P. camps, and was associated there with active rescue work. He was a co-founder of the first branch of the Agudist Youth Movement in Haifa in 1938.
Uriel Zimmer has had the closest personal contacts with many of the sages and thinkers of independent Orthodoxy, and is persona grata with many of the Gedolim of our days. He is closely affiliated with the activities of the “Chabad� (Lubavitch) movement. He was a close friend of the late Rabbi Moshe Blau, Dr. Isaac Breuer and Dr. Pinchas Kohn.
He was born in Vienna in 1921 and settled in Jerusalem in 1934. He is the United Nations correspondent of several newspapers.